人工飼料によるイネヨトウ Sesamia inferens Walker の飼育
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人工飼料でイネヨトウを無菌的に飼育することに成功した。それらの結果を要約すると次のとおりである。1.サトウキビを主原料にした人工飼料では少ないながらも蛹を得ることに成功したが,1頭も羽化させることはできなかった。2.イネを主原料にした人工飼料では蛹化,羽化,交尾,産卵させることに成功し,十分とはいえないが累代飼育に成功した。3.幼虫期間はサトウキビの梢頭部飼育区がもっと短く,イネを主原料にした人工飼料区,サトウキビ主原料の人工飼料区の順であった。4.蛹の体重は野外採集虫,サトウキビを主原料にした人工飼料区,イネを主原料にした人工飼料区は大差なかったが,サトウキビの梢頭部で飼育した個体は前者の約半分であった。5.1めす当りの産卵数は交尾受精した個体ならサトウキビ飼育区よりイネを主原料にした人工飼料区が多く,孵化率においては両者はほとんど差はなかった。6.今回の実験でもっともよかった幼虫飼料の組成はAgar 1.0~1.5g,Glucose 0.7g,Sucrose 0.5~1.0g,Casein 1.0g,Dried yeast 1.0g,Cholestrol 0.02g,Choline chloride 0.2g,Minerals 0.4g,Rice plant 30.0g,Distilled water 70.0ml, L-Ascorbic acid 100+100mgであった。This experiment has been carried out in order to rear the purplish stem borer, Sesama inferens Walker, through successive generations with artificial diets under the aseptic condition. The results were shown as follows: 1. A few pupae were reared with the artificial diets inculded top of the sugar cane, but they were not emerged. 2. Normal pupae and moths were obtained with the artifical diets was made up of rice plant. As a result the moths deposited fertile eggs through the generation. 3. The larval period which are reared just with the top of the sugar cane under the natural conditions was the shortest than others. The next one was the artificial diets with rice plant, and the longest one was artificial diets with the top of the suger cane. 4. There was only a few difference between the borer reared on the artifical diets which included sugar cane and rice plant and the borer reared on sugar cane in the field in the mean weight of pupae, but pupae reared with the top of the sugar cane under the natural conditions was about half lighter in weight. 5. The average number of eggs laid by one female which was reared with the artificial diets containing rice plant was more than the female which ereared with diet used the top of the sugar cane under the natural condition, and the hatchability had a few difference between them. 6. According to the experiments the following artificial diets seem to be the most suitable for rearing the purplish stem borer. Per 300ml of Erlenmeyer flask Agar, powdered 1.5g Casein 1.0g Glucose 0.7 Dried yeast 1.0 Sucrose 1.0 Cholestrol 0.02 Choline chloride 0.2 Distlled water 70.0ml Minerals 0.4 L-Ascorbic acid 100+100mg Rice plant 30.0
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