「世界のウチナーンチュ大会」と沖縄県系人ネットワーク(5) -新たな社会空間の形成と紐帯をめぐって-
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It can be stated that, in the 20th Century of Okinawa, the overseas emigration was a social phenomenon. Many Okinawan have emigrated and settled in many different places of the world, having built Uchinanchu's communities internationally. One of the major factors for this emigration was the economic situation at that time. For Okinawa Prefecture whose industrial foundation was weak, emigration was the solution to the overpopulation, and the money remittance from people living abroad was very important, becoming vital to support its economy. However, these emigration events which played an important role in the history of Okinawa suffered changes in the second half of the 20th Century. While the Uchinanchu communities overseas emerge, thefever of this“social phenomenon” in Okinawa started to lose its momentum, the word“emigration” began to fade away from the people's daily life. On the other hand, the Okinawans living abroad continued their lives centered on the Uchinanchu communities, having “Okinawa” present in their daily life.This situation continued for a while, and during the 80s the relationship between “Okinawa, the Emigrant Prefecture” and the overseas “Uchinanchu Communities” began to assume a new aspect. The Okinawan media started to cover “Uchinanchu in the world” eagerly, creating a great stimulus and bringing back the attention to the Uchinanchu who were living abroad. Under these circumstances, finally in 1990, “The First Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival” was realized. It was a grand project, in which Uchinanchu living in different parts of the world would gather at the place of their common roots. After this, the second (1995), the third (2001), and the fourth (2006) festival were held, strengthening the Uchinanchu's global network and having the number of participants increased from festival to festival. At the “festival” the participants become stimulated by rediscovering their Uchinanchu identities, which impulse the desire for a global network and this expanding and deepening network demands another “festival”, starting them to go in cycles. In this paper, the author mainly discuss the global cultural bonds among the Okinawans and their communities which are in many different places of the world.
- 琉球大学移民研究センター,Center for Migration Studies, University of the Ryukyusの論文
琉球大学移民研究センター,Center for Migration Studies, University of the Ryukyus | 論文
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