「世界のウチナーンチュ大会」と沖縄県系人ネットワーク(4) -中南米からの参加者の特徴を中心に-
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The Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival is the largest conventional event in the Okinawan Islands held by Okinawa Prefecture every five years since 1990. The majority of the participants are Okinawans from abroad, but Okinawans from mainland Japan and local people also get involved. The 4th festival ran in 2006 for six days and included 4,900 participants. No surveys were conducted on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd festival. Prof. Kinjo, Prof. Kuwatuka and Noiri at the University of the Ryukyus, Center for Migration Studies conducted a survey of the 4th festival which was co-organized by the university and Okinawa Prefecture. Our research group presented the survey results in 2008 at community forums at the Japanese American National Museum in Los-Angeles and the University of Hawaii. We also presented them at the Immigration Forum at the 1OOth Anniversary of Okinawa Immigration in Brazil and Argentina. The contents of these presentations are contained in this chapter, which focuses on the features of the participants from Middle and South America. The Okinawan network in Brazil is compared with another typical network, that found in Hawaii.
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