社会体育指導者認定制度に関する研究 : 地域スポーツ指導者の比較分析
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The purpose of this research was to analysis in comparison to sports leaders in community that obtained a license by mean of a differnt acquisition method.Anaiysis of date was made by Hayasi's Quantification Theory (2) which categories both a man and an item, and both quantative and qualitative elements simultaneously.Twenty-five items which cnsisted of such elements as demographic elements, relating to sports leaders' guidance action, and thier cnsciousness were employed as explanatory.128 sports leaders was selected a subuject of this research (male 96: female 32). Subjects were divided two groups. First group is sports leaders who acquired a qualification by attend a regular class association (A group). Next group is sports leaders who acquired a qualification by shift a conventional qualification (B group).Main results may be summarized as follows :1. Discriminant analysis among sports leaders was conducted according to the explanatory variables created in the research. The results showed that correlation ratios differed with ages, years of sports guidance.2. The examination on the contribution strenght of individual elements was coducted by partial correlation. The results showed thet main elements discriminating between A group and B group were sports medical science, an estblishment of a system that a qualification effectively can utilize, and ages.
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