万田酵素を用いた自家堆肥がウコン(Curcuma spp.)およびピーマン(Capsicum annum L.)の生育と収量に及ぼす影響
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本実験は2000年5月から翌2001年2月にわたり,琉球大学農学部附属亜熱帯フィールド科学教育研究センターのガラス室と圃場において,万田酵素を用いた自家堆肥がウコン(Curcuma spp.)およびピーマン(Capsicum annum L.)の生育と収量に及ぼす影響を検討した。まずウコンの試験区は万田酵素100ppm,200ppmおよび水を各々1とし,乾燥牛糞堆肥を5の割合で混ぜ合わせ,ガラス室内にて黒いプラスチックシートをかけて室温25℃から28℃で20日間保ち,熟成させたものを用いた。成熟堆肥を島尻マージの圃場に10t/haの割合で混入した後,うねを立て,ウコンを植えつけた。次にピーマンの試験では1/2000ワグネルポットに,堆肥と島尻マージの土壌を1 : 11の割合で混合し,100ppm万田酵素溶液を200ml/pot土中に散布した処理区と水のみを200ml/pot散布した無処理区に分け移植後15日間隔で土中に散布した。次にウコンおよびピーマンの調査の結果を示す。ウコンの草丈,分げつ数,葉数はコントロール区(万田酵素を使用しない堆肥)に比べ万田酵素を使用した堆肥混入区において有意に高い値を示した。コントロール区の植物体と比べ,万田酵素を使用した堆肥混入区ではウコンの葉はより青々とし,分げつ,根茎はともに発達が早かった。ウコンの地上部乾物重および収量においてはコントロール区に比べ,万田酵素を使用した堆肥混入区の植物が有意に高い値を示した。万田酵素を混入した両処理区においてはウコンの陸上部乾物重および収量において差はなかった。万田酵素溶液を土壌に加えたピーマンの実験においても草丈,枝数,果実はウコンの実験と同様に増大し,葉は濃く,果実も大きくなり,また,地上部乾物重および地下部乾物重は増加した。また,ピーマンの収量はコントロール区に比べ,万田溶液処理区の植物のほうが高かった。以上の結果より万田酵素を混入し発酵させた堆肥はウコンの生長および収量の増大において大きな効果を示した。また,土壌に堆肥を混合した後,万田酵素溶液を地中に散布したピーマンの実験においても生育及び収量の増加が見られたことから,万田31号が自家堆肥の効果を改善する可能性が示唆された。Field and glasshouse experiments were conducted to determine efficiency of Manda-compost on growth and yield of turmeric and sweet bell pepper at the Subtropical Field Science Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan from May, 2000 to February, 2001. According to the experimental design Manda-solution (100ppm or 200ppm) or water was mixed with air-dried farmyard manure (cow manure) at the ratio of 1 : 5 (Manda-sollution / wataer : Farmyard manure). The mixtures were covered with black plastic sheet for 20 days to ferment them at room temperature (25-28 C) in a glasshouse for making Manda-compost and Water-compost (normal-compost). Manda-compost or normal-compost was mixed with soil in ridge at 10 ton/ha before turmeric planting. In the study of sweet bell pepper, normal-compost was mixed with soil at the ratio of 1 : 11 (normal-compost : soil) for all treatments. Manda-solution (100ppm) or water (control) was applied directly to soil at 200 ml/pot at 15 day intervals strting seedling transplanting. Plant length, and number of tillers and leaves of turmeric were significantly higher with the application of Manda-compost than with the normal-compost (control). Leaves of turmeric were more green, and tillers and rhizomes (yield) developed earlier in the fields where Manda-compost was applied, as compared to control plant. Significantly higher dry weight of shoot and yield were recorded in plants cultivated with Manda-compost than in control. Dry weight of shoot and yield of turmeric were similar in both the treatments applied Manda-compost. Manda-solution (Manda 31) applied to soil also increased plant length, branches and fruits in sweet bell pepper as Manda-compost did in turmeric. Leaves were found to be more green and size of fruits was bigger in the plant grown with the Manda 31. Dry weight of shoot, root and yield were higher in the plant with the Manda 31 than in the control one. Above results indicated that Manda-compost was more efficient than normal-compost in increasing growth and yield of turmeric, Manda 31 applied directly to the soil mixed with normal-compost also increased growth and yield of sweet bell pepper. This study suggested that Manda 31 may be used for improving efficiency of farmyard manures.
- 2002-12-01
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