沖縄心理学会32年の歩み ―変遷と役割及び課題―
- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been over 32 years since the founding of the Okinawan Psychological Association (OPA) in March 1973. In this paper the authors first describe the background of the establishment and the purpose of OPA, and secondly mention the changes in research activities, and the roles of OPA. Since the time of OPA's establishment, the members of OPA have nearly doubled and the membership dues have tripled. Looking back on the research activities in comparison with the first half of its history, the latter half has had an approximately 33 percent increase in the number of oral presentations and symposiums or lectures. Judging from the titles of the symposiums or lectures presented in these 32 years, it is easily understood that OPA has made considerable contributions to the Okinawan community and the educational field, even though these contributions are equally common roles for all the local associations. Judging from the members who have made presentations during the past 32 years, there have been many interdisciplinary discussions in OPA symposiums. Moreover, OPA has discussed some of the problems and issues for its development.
- 心理学評論刊行会の論文
心理学評論刊行会 | 論文
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