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Undrained triaxial compression tests were performed for the anisotropically consolidated Fukuyama, Hiroshima, Shimajiri clays. The specimens were consolidated for two different stress history conditions. The one is constant mean effective principal stress path and the other is constant stress ratio path.The following conclusive remarks.1) The influence on stress-strain relation, undraired stress path and excess pore water pressure are independent of anisotropic consolidation stress path.They depend on the ultimate consolidation stress condition.2) Critical state parameter M is independent of consolidation pressure and anisotropic consolidation stress path.3) Cam clay and Modefied Cam clay model are not applied to anisotropically consolidated true clay because the models are not considered clay anisotropy which is more important than time dependency of clay.
- 琉球大学工学部の論文
琉球大学工学部 | 論文
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