Rare-RI ring project at RIKEN RI beam factory
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A new apparatus named "Rare-RI Ring", for precisely measuring the masses of short-lived rare nuclei including the r-process region is proposed. The Rare-RI Ring is one of the major experimental installations at the RI KEN RI beam Factory. It consists of three main parts: a long injection beam line, a fast kicker system and a cyclotron-like storage ring. The combination of a long injection beam line and a feast kicker system enables Lis to inject short-lived rare nuclei into the ring one by one. The revolution time of each nucleus in the ring is measured with all accuracy of better than 10(-6). Overall, the masses of short-lived rare nuclei including the r-process region can be determined with an order of 10(-6) precision. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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