エクソンモービル社による原油と天然ガスの生産活動 : 1990年代初頭以降の新展開
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The purpose of the article is to clarify the upstream business, namely exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, executed by Exxon Mobil Corporation in new areas since the early 1990s. The main conclusions are the following:(1)The company has included three of the toughest areas in its production spheres: the deepwater Gulf of Mexico in the United Sates, the former Soviet Union, and the deepwater areas of West Africa. (2)The development and application of leading-edge technologies, such as three dimensional seismic prospecting and subsea completion wells, have enabled the company to discover and to produce oil and gas in both deepwater areas. (3)In the former Soviet Union, the company has recovered oil and gas which the Union had already discovered before the company started its operation there. The company has succeeded in reducing the investment risk of discovering oil and gas in unexplored fields. (4)The acquisition of Mobil Corporation finished in the late 1999, known as Exxon Mobil Merger, has helped Exxon Corporation, now Exxon Mobil Corporation, to obtain the dominant position in the West Africa fields and to make itself one of the major foreign oil companies in the former Soviet Union.
- 埼玉大学経済学会の論文
埼玉大学経済学会 | 論文
- 書評 奥山忠信編・解題『ジェームズ・ステュアートの貨幣論草稿』
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