授業リフレクションによるボール運動の学習形態に関する一考察 : 高学年におけるバスケットボール・サッカーの授業実践から<教育科学>
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In this study, the focus is affected by devising the organizational framework of teaching in ball games. The purpose is to consider about the directionality of improving it. Three classes which it is devised are considered comparatively by reflection. As a result, it is clear that the learning activity of students is influenced so much by the combination of the side of the method and organization in it. Each good point and bad point were found concretely. And the clues of the making of classes were found. Such above, it was found that it was necessary to switch to a viewpoint that "all were the different" from a viewpoint that "all were the same". In other words, students learn regardless of a skill difference in a heterogeneous group, and it is thought that it is necessary to constitute a class leading to the feeling of satisfaction of everyone.
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