欧米先進的金融機関のオペレーショナルリスク管理高度化 : 管理高度化フレームワークの提示と欧米先進的金融機関から学ぶべきこと<論文>
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Recently, foreign banks as well as Japanese banks are facing duplication issues related to operational risk management in terms of regulatory burdens. It is important to implement operational risk management in more proactive way rather than reactive one to win internationally intensified competition. Thus, this paper aims for proposing an effective and efficient operational risk management framework based on the practices of advanced foreign banks. This framework is consistent with the recent innovation from COSO to COSO/ERM and from Basel I to Basel . Inaddition, three points of practical advice are proposed to Japanese banks in their enhancing operational risk management based on best practices of advanced foreign banks.
論文 | ランダム
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