明治後期の銀行事故と検査行政 : 銀行事故を通して見た検査行政の特徴<論文>
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はじめに第1 章明治30 年代の大蔵省銀行検査総括と銀行検査関連通達1-1 大蔵省銀行検査総括1-2 明治34 年理財局銀行検査関連通達第2 章明治30 年代の銀行事故2-1 菅谷幸一郎の銀行検査論概要2-2 明治30 年代の銀行事故分析第3 章明治40 年代の銀行事故3-1 大蔵省『銀行事故調』の位置づけ3-2 『銀行事故調』の内容検討3-3 先行研究との結果比較第4 章明治後期の検査行政4-1 銀行事故と検査行政の関係4-2 「銀行事故の実態」と「大蔵高官の銀行検査に対する認識」の比較分析4-3 「銀行事故の実態」と「大蔵省通達による銀行指導内容」の比較分析4-4 「大蔵高官の銀行検査に対する認識」と「大蔵省通達による銀行指導内容」の比較分析おわりに別表「大蔵省銀行事故調概要(明治43 年5 月〜6 月)」The purpose of this research paper is to make clear the characteristics of the bank inspection policy by analyzing bank failure during the late stage of the Meiji period. Specifically the characteristics of the inspection policy will be analyzed by comparing the cognition of high ranking Finance Ministry officers concerning the bank inspection, the contents of the instruction to banks by letter ruling of the Finance Ministry, and the actual condition of the bank failure. Mainly through causal analysis of the bank failure, the basic attitude of the Finance Ministry and the manner in which the bank inspection was done will be clarified. Also, the concordance between the basic attitude of the Finance Ministry to the bank inspection and the cognition of the persons responsible for finance policy will be confirmed. In the Meiji 30s, 50% of the causes of bank failure consisted of managerial incompetence and internal confusion. In the Meiji 40s, in addition to managerial incompetence and internal confusion in banks, fraudulent practices by bank officers and clerks were the principal cause of bank failure. By examining the cognition of the persons responsible for finance policy, the cause of the bank failure was appropriately recognized and letter ruling was done properly, but concrete measures were not operated sufficiently through bank inspection. In other words, high officials had proper understanding about the situation of bank failure, but concrete measures to avoid failure and post-arrangement of the failure through bank inspection was not sufficient. The bank inspection policy during the late stage of the Meiji Period was continued in the Taisho Period, and it is important to consider the effects of the revision of the bank regulation and the directional character of the banking policy. I will deal with these issues in later research.
- 埼玉大学経済学会の論文
埼玉大学経済学会 | 論文
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