大正期における金融当局検査の考察 : 金融制度調査会を中心とした銀行検査充実に向けた動き<論文>
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1. はじめに2. 銀行検査充実に向けた諸施策2-1 銀行検査充実の軌跡2-2 「銀行検査官処務規定及注意」の内容検討2-3 「銀行注意事項三十箇条諭達」の特徴2-4 金融機関別実地検査および書面検査の推移3. 金融制度調査会による銀行検査充実の動き3-1 「銀行その他金融機関検査充実計画」(大蔵省案) の内容検討3-2 金融制度調査会による「金融機関検査充実に関する調査」の答申内容と審議経緯3-3 大蔵省案および「金融機関検査充実に関する調査」の総括的考察4. おわりに別表「銀行検査充実に向けた施策一覧」The purpose of this research paper is to trace the movement toward reinforcement of the bank inspection centered by The Financial System Research Committee regulation. In order to understand the contents of the concrete policies, this movement should be followed chronologically, especially the modification of the letter ruling of the Finance Ministry about the bank inspection. As a consequence the letter ruling during the Taisho period became very exhaustive and compliance intensive. To clarify and analyze the Financial System Research Committee regulation, the draft of the Finance Ministry about the reinforcement of the bank inspection was used to compare the contents. The draft by the Finance ministry’s officials and the contents of the discussion in the Financial System Research Committee regulation were almost concurrent. The results of analysis are as follows ;1) The ideal of the Finance Ministry about the bank inspection method is the recommendation type inspection, in other words the bank inspectors makes suggestions to banks about management matters in addition to review points.2) The intention of the regulation by the Finance Ministry and the Financial System Research Committee was to elaborate the bank inspection especially in the practical phase of the inspection. The idea of the regulation by the Finance Ministry and the Financial System Research Committee should appear clearly in the bank inspection regulation of the Finance Ministry and the ink structure of the bank inspection regulation between the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Japan.
- 埼玉大学経済学会の論文
埼玉大学経済学会 | 論文
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