ナノPZT 粒子分散層と絶縁コーティングカーボンクロス層により形成された自己診断積層CFRP の開発<論文>
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CFRP laminates specimens with Nano-PZT particulate epoxy resin layers and insulating coating carbon layers were prepared. Two types of insulating coating were examined and one liquid type epoxy adhesive showed excellent insulation of carbon layers. CFRP laminates specimens suffered tensile or fatigue testing and signals of electric current generated by hitting specimens were measured simultaneously. The electric signal tended to increase with loading or fatigue cycles and sudden increase in the signals coincided to the occurrence of delamination between epoxy matrix and carbon layers. Tensile testing showed that the addition of PZT particles upgrade the increase in the electric signals due to delaminations. On the other hand, fatigue testing showed that the influence of the addition of PZT particles on the electric signal behavior was small.
論文 | ランダム
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