近年の制度アプローチの分析領域と「インフォーマルな制度」 : D.C.Northの新制度アプローチとG.M.Hodgsonの現代制度アプローチのフレームワークの比較から
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This paper focuses on the 'Informal institutions' introduced by D.C. North, one of the most famous academic proponents of the new institutional school. It indicates some analytical areas other than the market-place of mainstream economics, incorporating the political, social and cultural aspects of daily life. The purpose of this paper is to clarify several explanatory logical problems in the framework of D. C. North by comparing with the one of G. M. Hodgson of the modern institutional school. A fulfilling dialogue between both schools can result in three ways to develop more deep analyses of the informal institutions as follows.(1) We can reconsider the hypotheses of actor’s behaviors in economics according to the scientific and objective evidence being offered in the field of cognitive science.(2) It may possibly be necessary to expand the classical theoretical vision of structural and social relationships among actors to explore a new institutional analytical framework which can deal effectively with the challenges presented by the various institutional approaches.(3) One of the main analytical themes may well become questioning relationships and the mechanisms between the market place and other social and cultural centers.
- 2009-03-09
論文 | ランダム
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