Compound Elevated Skull Fracture with Occlusion of the Superior Sagittal Sinus. A case report
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This is a case report of compound elevated skull fracture. This is a very rare variantof skull fractures. A CT angiogram demonstrated occlusion in the mid 1/3rd of superiorsagittal sinus. Only few cases have been reported before. This patient was managed bythe Neurosurgery department of Square Hospitals Ltd. Dhaka who had a history ofassault and diagnosed as compound elevated fracture. He was managed surgically andwas discharged without any intracranial complication. Etiology, clinical findings andoperatives findings had a similarity with other published cases.
- 神戸大学医学部の論文
- 2008-00-00
神戸大学医学部 | 論文
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