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A 64-year old female presented with urinary retention. Physical examination revealed a firm mass on the anterior vaginal wall. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a tumor surrounding the urethra, which invaded to the vesical triangle and the anterior vaginal wall. Serum levels of carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 were elevated, but squamous cell carcinoma antigen and prostate specific antigen were within normal limits. Pathological examinations of the transurethral and transvaginal needle biopsy specimen suggested mucinous adenocarcinoma. First, the patient received local chemoradiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy using a fluoropyrimidine drug TS-1 and cisplatin. The tumor markers declined to within normal limits after this preoperative therapy. Then she underwent total cysto-urethrectomy with anterior vaginal wall resection, pelvic lymphadenectomy, and urinary diversion with ureterocutaneous fistula. Histopathological examination of the surgical specimen showed mutinous adenocarcinoma invading to the vesical triangle and the anterior vaginal wall. No metastasis was found in the lymph nodes. The final diagnosis was urethral adenocarcinoma, pT4N0, Stage IV. Five months after surgery, local recurrence and distant metastases appeared, and she died 14 months after surgery.
- 泌尿器科紀要刊行会の論文
駒井 好信
田中 一
駒井 好信
増田 均
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