- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social support and self-perception in crisis. College students (N=265) were administered a questionnaire. They were asked to answer the subject of their crisis, their self-perception, and received social support from their friends and family members. According to a factor analysis of the self-perception scale, two factors were found: stable self and active self. Social support received from their friends was divided by factor analysis into emotional support and instrumental support. Social support received from their family members was divided by factor analysis into emotional support, instrumental support, and routine support. In such crises as taking an examination and choosing their courses of study, emotional support from families was positively correlated with active self. In such crises as human relations and love affairs, though, emotional support from families was negatively correlated with active and stable self, but instrumental support from friends positively correlated with active self. These results suggest that the relationship between social support and self-perception in crisis differs with contents of crisis, because friends and family members take various roles in various crises.
- 2009-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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