文学作品と経験の語り方 : W.ベンヤミンにおける経験へのアプローチを手がかりに
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In the context of modern education, which is based on the idea of steady growth and development of human beings, experience is usually considered as accumulative by human beings to strengthen the autonomous self. From this point of view, we tend to talk about our experiences rigidly and in a stereotyped way in which we can place events of our lives into a frame of understanding. However, it seems that there is a reduction of the concept of experience to the assumption of usefulness. and a kind of strange aspect of events will be missed in this way of talking about experience. To overcome this situation, I examine Walter Benjamin's concept of experience. Benjamin (1892 -1940) generally is known as a philosopher influenced by various aspects of thought, such as German idealism, Jewish mysticism, and Marxism. I will try to show the concept of experience in Benjamin's text, especially as this is revealed in his essay on Proust, M., Baudelaire. C. and Kafka, F., to elucidate the most vivid aspects of experience. In conclusion, I will show that Benjamin's concept of experience dispels the notion of experience that is popularly held and that is taken for granted in educational theorizing.
- 2009-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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