ある「性同一性障害」者の心理的・関係構造モデル : くいちがい・つなぎ・はなれの3つの上位モデルの生成
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I have longitudinally interviewed for four years a person with "gender identity disorder" (GID) who wished to cross gender because of his gender dysphoria, and his family, The interview data were analyzed using a narrative approach. The aim of my study is in totally recognizing him and his family's experience of living with his GID. In this paper, my five Qualitative studies were reconsidered in the perspective of generating models. Each psychological and relational model generated from five qualitative studies was integrated into upper models. Three upper models were presented here: "discrepancy," "connecting," and "stepping away from oneself." In discussion, We considered how these three models functioned in light of a life story of someone with GID and his or her family. This paper enabled a deeper experience of living as a person with GID and living with person having it by connecting all their narratives that were separated from each other's study and reconsidering the psychological and relational models in line with time axis of their life story.
- 2009-03-31
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