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The present study discusses the debilitative effects of “listening stress,” which has beenconceptualized by the present author in a series of preliminary research projects in the psychologicalstress research framework to explain anxiety-related cognition in the second/foreign language (L2/FL) listening process. The effects of affective factors on L2/FL learning have been conventionallyinvestigated with the construct of language anxiety. However, language anxiety is usually categorizedas situation-specific anxiety, which is viewed as a rather stable attribute of individual learners,instead of state anxiety, which refers to actual experience of anxiety itself. Therefore, the realtimecognitive effects of language anxiety have neither been directly examined, nor have theirdebilitative mechanisms been explained adequately. By reviewing theorization of general anxiety andpsychological stress, the present study identifies and delineates the circular mechanism of incrementalstress and its debilitative effects as being unique to the L2/FL listening process. It also presents thestress-induction technique which the present author has developed and discusses its rationale, with aview to justifying and further elaborating the explication of the mechanisms.
- 弘前大学教育学部の論文
弘前大学教育学部 | 論文
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