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“The late-stage medical care system for the elderly” nicknamed“ longevity health care program” by the governmentis currently one of the pressing issues to be tackled both nationally and politically. This issue has been amplified byemotional arguments as well as arguments on the system itself and has generated a strongly-rooted distrust amongcitizens. The reasons for the distrust can converge on why and on what ground the aged over 75 is classified as the aged. This research aimed to mitigate or eliminate the feeling of distrust or discomfort, and to consider at what age thethreshold of the old-old should be reasonably set for the aged assuming that a threshold should be defined for the system.We reviewed the appropriateness of the current age segment for the system to suggest a new one. Based on the age of 75defined by the current system, we utilised“ demographics” as quantitative and objective indicators, and used“ life skills”as qualitative indicators based on subjectivities of the aged, the individuals who live their daily lives. As a result of the research, significant distinctions as to characteristics gained from residual analysis in healthdistribution of healthy aged and the aged who need assistance or care were identified between those who are 80~84years old and over 85 from the“ demographics” indicator’s point of view. As for“ life skills”, as a result of studying thesignificant distinctions identified between the age set by the system and other age segments, significant distinctions wereidentified between the age set by the system and those who are over 80 among all the aged. Among the healthy aged,however, even though significant distinctions were identified between the age set by the system and those who are 65~69years old, no significant distinctions were identified between the set age and other age segments. Based on this indicator,no appropriate ground was found to justify the appropriateness of the age of 75 set by the system. If an age segmentation was necessary for the system, we propose on the grounds of indicators gained from thisresearch that to define the age of 75, which is currently the threshold of the old-old as the threshold of the former stageaged and the aged who are over 80 or preferably over 85 as the old-old would be a more realistic segmentation, whichwould go along with scientific evidence and the citizens’ emotional arguments.
- 2009-03-30
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