Stochastic Formulation for a Partial Neural Circuit of C. elegans
- 論文の詳細を見る
We present a stochastic formulation for a partial neural circuit of Caenorhabditis el-egans. This study is concerned with how to reduce the degree of freedom in a largeneural circuit. In the presented formulation, neurons in the whole neural circuit aredivided into two complementary groups. One is the neurons which are mainly associatedwith a certain behavior, and the other is the remaining neurons of C. elegans. Inan ordinary study on a partial neural circuit, the inuence of the latter (the remainingneurons) on the former (the associated neurons) is completely neglected. In the presentedformulation, however, the inuence is expressed by a stochastic variable. Thestructure of the ensemble for the stochastic variable is appropriately evaluated by theneural connectivity of C. elegans since the neural connectivity of C. elegans has beencompletely determined. In this way, the degree of freedom is e ectively reduced. Weapply the presented formulation to determine the synaptic signs in the touch sensitivitycircuit of C. elegans. The synaptic signs are determined to satisfy the locomotorybehaviors in C. elegans. We nd that the inuence of the remaining neurons on thetouch sensitivity circuit is important to determine the synaptic signs.
- Springerの論文
- 2004-00-00
Springer | 論文
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