重出動詞句の省略について - 動詞句消去かゼロ動詞句生成か -
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Since following two English sentences, (a) John took the exam and I did so too and (b) John took the exam and I did too both have an identical paraphrase (c) John took the exam and I took the exam too, the standard theory of transformational-generative grammar presented in Aspects assumes that sentences (a) and (b) above (sentence (c), also) be derived from the structure underlying sentence (c) by way of transformation. The same theory also assumes that a non-wellformed sentence (d) * I remained in France and John did in England be filtered out by transformational rules blocking the generation of such a non-well-formedsentence.On the other hand, the interpretive theory, a newly revised model of transformational-generative grammar, appears to assume that both (a) and (b) be generated independently of the generation of sentence (c) in the base, and further that a non-well-formed sentence (d) be excluded by some later interpretive rule(s), applicable to the out put of the transformational component.The present author compares an interpretive rule RF, a rule invented for the purpose of the exclusion of (d), with the VP Deletion transformational rule. And he intends to investigate what status the rule RF occupies in the framework of the interpretive theory.
- 岩手大学教育学部の論文
岩手大学教育学部 | 論文
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