ローカルな環境運動と地域との関わり : 霞ヶ浦の環境に関わる住民・市民運動を事例として
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This paper tries to clarify the relationships between local environmental movements and the region based on a case study of Lake Kasumigaura and its surrounding area. Data were collected mainly through interviews with the leaders of citizens' groups in the Kasumigaura area. In addition, newsletters and restricted documents of these groups were important information sources used to trace their activities intermittently over a period of about twenty years.After the 6th International Conference on the Conservation of Lakes in Tsuchiura and Tsukuba cities, environmental movements concerned with Lake Kasumigaura split into two groups, one led by the Kasumigaura Citizens' Association and the other by the Asaza Fund (and the Citizens for Improvement of Lakes Kasumigaura and Kitaura) (hereinafter KCA and AF, respectively). Despite the split, the movements have become more active and their management scales have expanded since this conference.KCA was established by uniting nature conservation society members with people from economic circles. This group aims to restore the lake to its former cleanliness so that all residents can swim or play in it. Thus, it performs water quality surveys and conducts environmental education campaigns. AF aims to restore the rich ecosystem of the lake and organizes a nature restoration project supported by many school children, city residents, fishermen, and farmers.This paper presents five points about the relationships between the local environmental movements and the Kasumigaura region.(1) Involvement in eutrophication control: The environmental movements in this area began to counter eutrophication of the lake. They acted as pressure groups to demand regulation against eutrophication, as surveillance monitors of the environmental administration, and propagators of environmental lifestyles in cooperation with local governments.(2) Opposition to water resource development of Lake Kasumigaura : Protests against development projects have not succeeded in this area, but there have recently been signs of change. For example, the water level operation of the lake was suspended because of an AF protest. This case shows that the citizens' groups are gaining greater leverage.(3) Citizens' participation in nature restoration projects : In some regards, the movements are changing from anti-establishment ones into cooperative ones. In particular, citizen participation is becoming popular in nature restoration projects. The citizen's groups enhance this effect.(4) Design and coordination of new regional sustainable businesses : Citizens' groups are contributing to creating some new businesses concerned with sustainable resource use. These provide an opportunity for collaboration with various stakeholders.(5) Contribution to raise residents' environmental consciousness : Each group advertises future visions of the lake as goals. Discussion between the groups and local governments are reported in the media and many residents know the environmental issues related to Lake Kasumigaura. This direct or indirect information may affect the residents' environmental consciousness in the long term.Although these are results obtained from a case study of Lake Kasumigaura and its surrounding area, they can be understood as general characteristics of environmental movements. An environmental citizens' group plays various roles between residents and the local government in order to accomplish the group's aim. For example, concerned with environmental pollution or development problems, a group protests against the national or local government as a representative of the residents. On the other hand, the same group appeals to the residents to adopt a sustainable lifestyle in collaboration with the local government. A citizens' group constructs environmental problems socially and carries weight in environmental policy making, creatively choosing its position between the residents and the local government.
- 2007-08-28
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- 開発反対運動とシンボル生物
- 環境保全活動への参加意識--野鳥保護活動支援見学会を事例として
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- 環境問題論争における空間スケールに応じた争点の相異と運動の連帯 : 韓国・セマングム干拓問題を事例として
- 地域環境問題における「地元」 : 中海干拓事業を事例として
- 韓国の干潟開発論争地の「その後」にみる「持続可能な開発」(フォーラム)
- 環境問題研究における地域論的視角 : 日韓の湖沼・干潟開発問題に関する事例比較から(環境社会学の新たな展開)
- 霞ケ浦, 中海・宍道湖, 「ホタルの宿」で探る地域環境運動の地理学的研究の可能性
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- 「瀬戸内の地域資源」特集にあたって : 研究目的ならびに成果と課題
- 霞ケ浦の環境保全運動と地域との関わり : 1990年代以降の運動の2つの流れ
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- 宮島におけるエコツーリズムの試み(「エコツーリズムを考える : 自然保護と地域経済の両立をめぐる諸問題」 : 2001年度秋季学術大会シンポジウム)
- エコミュージアム活動の実践とそれを対象とした研究の可能性
- 地域環境問題における「地元」と「流域」
- 総合討論