周手術期看護学実習における手術室実習の有効性 : 学生の手術室看護に関する学びと態度の変化より
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本研究の目的は,周手術期看護学実習のケーススタディにむけたレディネス形成として,手術室実習の有効性について検討することである。方法は,学生75名を対象とした自記式質問紙法を用い手術室実習の前と後において調査し,Wilcoxonの符号付順位和検定を用いて分析した。前後で有意差があった項目は,「外回り看護師の重要性」,「チーム医療の重要性」,「コミュニケーション技術の必要性」など手術室看護に関する学び5項目と,手術室看護および手術室実習に対する態度6項目全てであった。学生は,1)事前学習レポートにもとづく注意深い観察学習を通して,手術室看護に関する知識・技術を再確認し,2)ロールモデルとなる外回り看護師とともに手術室看護を経験することによって,チーム医療における看護師の役割とその価値に気づいたと考えられ,手術室実習は周手術期看護学実習のケーススタディにむけたレディネス形成として有効であると結論づけた。The research investigated the efficacy of the operating room nursing practice as a readiness formation for a case study of perioperative nursing practice. The research was conducted with self-administered questionnaires completed by 75 student nurses before and after operating room nursing practice, and the data was analyzed by Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test. Significant differences were confirmed for five items of the students' leanings conceming the nursing care in operation room, including "importance of circulating nurses", "importance of team medical care" and "need for communication techniques", and all six items concemed their attitudes toward nursing care in the operation room and operating room nursing practice. It was thought that 1) the student nurses reaffirmed the knowledge and techniques conceming nursing care in the operation room through attentive observation based upon their previous study report, and that 2) they recognized the role of nurses in team medical care and leamed its importance through nursing care experience in the operation room together with circulating nurses as a role model. As a result, it was concluded that the operating room nursing practice was effective as a readiness formation for the case study of perioperative nursing practice.
- 2007-03-30
- 周手術期看護学実習における手術室実習の有効性 : 学生の手術室看護に関する学びと態度の変化より
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