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1)シラスギを用いて,スギ挿木のカルスからの發根起原をしらべた。2)カルスは初めは形成層・篩部から作られ始め,後には皮層もその形成に加わる。カルス内には先ず木部が分化し,それから木部の片側に細長い柔細胞の層が作られて,後に篩部に分化する。この傾向は挿穗の方からカルス木部の末端に向つて進む。3)“根のもと”はカルス木部の末端で未だ篩部に分化しない柔組織中に形成され,その起り始めはかなり廣い範圍の細胞が同時に分裂状態になるものと思われる。4)幹からの根は起原と發達は前報の山武スギと全く同様であつたがただ發根は少く,“根のもと”の形成にも長期間を要するようであつた。Origin of adventitious roots from callus tissues was examined in the cuttings of Sirasugi, a "race" of Cryptomeria japonica. Callus forming activity was found at first in cambium and phloem, but later, also in cortex. In parenchymatous callus, tracheids were differentiated and they formed the callus xylem, then the layer of thin and elongated cells developed at the side of the callus xylem, and later they formed the typical phloem tissues. Differentiation of this type progressed from parts near the cut base in centrifugal direction. The primordium shown in Fig. 2 was the smallest of those observed and it was not pushing the surrounding parenchyma. So, it is doubtful that the primordium starts from relatively small number of initial cells. Development of roots from the stem tissues was nearly the same as the case of Sanbusugi, of which the author have described previously. But in Sirasugi, they required longer period for their initiation and were found in limited number of cuttings.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forestsの論文
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests | 論文
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