Rutaceae Collected by Prof. T. INOKUMA and K. HARA in Netherland North New Guinea (with Plates I-II)
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1939年本學猪熊教授及び原敬造氏採集の蘭領北ニューギニヤ産ヘンルウダ科植物5種を報告する。この他に本科に屬する採品が1・2あるが花果無きため今回は之を除き,後日の研究を期してゐる。以下各種の簡單な説明を記す。Evodia dallmannensis KURATAは高さ8mの喬木で,E. asteridula MERR. et PERRYに近縁と思はれるが明らかな小葉柄を有する事及び小葉は生長すれば全く無毛となる事により區別される。In 1939 Prof. T. INOKUMA and K. HARA botanized in Netherland North New Guinea and collected about 800 specimens. Among these, the present paper deals with 5 species of Family Rutacese. Evodia dallmannensis KURATA (sp. nov.) shows some resemblance to Evodia asteridula MERRILL et PERRY, but the leaflets are longer petiolulate and glabrous in adult. Evodia tenuifolia KURATA (sp. nov.) is the third species of Simplicifoliae ENGL. from New Guinea. It has membraneous leaves but the other two have coriaceous leaves. It is very interesting that the flower of this new species has sometimes staminodes besides stamens. In conclusion the writer wishes to express his sincere thanks to Prof. T. INOKUMA for his kind guidance.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forestsの論文
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests | 論文
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