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本邦産31樹種について膨潤圧の測定を行ない,次の結果を得た。1)膨潤圧は放射方向が接線方向より早く最大値を示す傾向にあり,樹種間では針葉樹材,散孔材,環孔材の順で早く最大値を示す。2)最大膨潤圧と気乾比重との間には次の関係が見られる。Sp=Arnここで,Spは最大膨潤圧,rは気乾比重,A,nは常数である。3)最大膨潤圧の接線方向と放射方向の値の大小関係は初期含水率,樹種によって変化する。4)気乾状態における最大膨潤圧の放射方向に対する接線方向の割合,すなわち異方性は散孔材が最も小さく,次いで環孔材,針葉樹材の順である。5)最大膨潤圧は膨潤率,横圧縮ヤング係数と比例関係にあるが,横圧縮ヤング係数との相関が膨潤とのそれより良い。6)膨潤圧には緩和,水分傾斜が大きく関与している。In this paper, the relation between swelling pressure and species, initial moisture content, swelling and Young's modulus perpendicular to grain in compression are studied. The species used are listed in Table 1 and the dimension of specimen was 10×10×5 (longitudinal direction) mm and tested in air dry condition. The experimental apparatus and method were similar to those described in report 5. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) The swelling pressure in radial direction has a tendency to get the maximum values faster than that in tangential one, and in case of species, the fastest in coniferous wood, following in diffuse porous wood and ring porous wood. 2) The relation between the maximum swelling pressure and specific gravity in air dry is given by; Sp=Arn where Sp is the maximum swelling pressure, r is specific gravity in air dry and A, n are constant (Fig.3). 3) The ratio of tangential direction to radial one of the maximum swelling pressure in air dry condition, namely the anisotropy is the least in diffuse porous wood, following in ring porous wood and in coniferous wood (Fig.5). 4) The relation between the tangential direction and radial one to the maximum swelling pressure changes with initial moisture content and species considerably (Tables 1 and 2). 5) The maximum swelling pressure is more intimately correlated with Young's modulus perpendicular to grain in compression than the maximum swelling (Figs.6 and 7). 6) It seems that the water inclination and stress relaxation exceedingly effect on the swelling pressure.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部林産学科,Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo.の論文
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部林産学科,Department of Forest Products, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo. | 論文
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