Anatomical Studies on the Wood of Some Fagus Species, with Plates IV-V
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Out of the ten species of Genus Fagus, F. crenata BLUME, F. japonica MAX., F. grandifolia EHRH., and F. sylvatica L. were studied wood-anatomically, and referring to the descriptions of R. KANEHIRA on F. Hayatae PALIB. and of N. YAMABAYASHI on F multinervis NAKAI, the wood-anatomical characteristics of six species were compared on a table. Besides, a key to the species based on the wood-anatomical characteristics was presented, although F. Hayatae was omitted from the key because R. KANEHIRA'S description on that species was too brief. Although spiral thickenings of vessel had never been described on Genus Fagus, the author could find them in the tail in three species (F. crenata, F. grandifolia, and F. sylvatica). The diameter ratio of wood fiber was the largest in F. japonica (2.82, 2.92), decreasing in the order of F. grandifolia (2.50), F. sylvatica (2.41), and the smallest in F. crenata (2.31, 2.21). The comparison of diameter ratio means the comparison of the quantity of cell-wall substances of wood fibers which constitute the ground mass of the wood, and from this standpoint, the above mentioned difference between F. crenata and F. japonica may be regarded as one of the reasons of the differences of specific gravities and other technological characters between the two species.ブナ及びイヌブナはその工藝的性質に可成りの差異があるにも拘らず木材解剖學的性質によつて兩者を區別する事は困難な事とされて來た。しかも兩者の木材解剖學的性質の詳細な記載はその必要にも拘らず未だなされて居ない。著者はブナ(Fagus crenata BLUME)(第IV圖版第1.2.3圖),イヌブナ(F. japonica MAX.)(第IV圖版第4圖)の他にアメリカブナ(F grandifolia EHRH.)(第V圖版第5.6.7圖)及び歐洲ブナ(F. sylvatica L.)(第V圖版第8圖)を加へた4種に就いて木材解剖學的性質を記載した。又從來ブナ屬導管の螺旋紋は記載されて居なかつたが著者は之をブナ,アメリカブナ,歐洲ブナの3種の導管の尾部に見出した(第V圖版第7圖)。
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forestsの論文
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests | 論文
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