Formulation of the Shear Stress : Shear Strain Relationship Using the Torsion Testing Data
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矩形棒のねじり試験から得られたねじりモーメントーせん断塑性ひずみ関係をべき乗関数に近似することによって,木材のせん断応力-せん断ひずみ関係を定式化することを試みた。試験にはシトカスプルース(Picea sitchensis Carr.)およびコナラ(Quercus serrata Murray)の矩形棒を用いた。繊維方向と幾何学主軸間のなす角(繊維傾斜角)を変化させることによってせん断力がはたらく面の異方性の程度をさまざまに変化させた。これらの試験体を,半径方向を中心軸としてねじり,剛性の小さい面のねじりモーメント-せん断塑性ひずみ関係をLudwik型のべき乗関数に近似した。このねじりモーメント-せん断塑性ひずみ関係を,同様のべき乗関数を用いて塑性域におけるせん断応力-せん断ひずみ関係に変換した。この式の適用性を,相当応力-相当塑性ひずみ関係から予測されるせん断応力-せん断ひずみ関係と比較することにより検討した。その結果,ねじりモーメント-せん断塑性ひずみ関係をべき乗関数に近似することにより,木材のせん断応力-せん断ひずみ関係を同様のべき乗関数で表現できると結論した。In this paper, we tried to formulate the shear stress/shear strain relationship of wood by approximating the torsional moment-shear strain relationship with Ludwik's n-power function. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Carr.) and konara (Japanese oak, Quercus serrata Murray) were used for the specimens. Specimens were cut so as to have various angles between the grain and the geometrical axes. These specimens were twisted around the radial axis, and the torsional moment-shear strain relationships were obtained. This relationship was approximated to Ludwik's n-power function, and this relationship was transformed into the shear stress/shear strain relationship which was formulated by a similar power function. The applicability of the shear stress/shear strain formula was examined by comparing with that predicted from the equivalent stress/equivalent plastic strain relationship. We concluded that the shear stress/shear strain relationship can be well formulated when the torsional moment-shear strain relationship is derived by the power function.
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