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外生の植物ホルモンがE.polybractea懸濁培養細胞の増殖とPAL活性に与える影響について調べた。継代用基本培地から2,4-Dを除いてカイネチンのみ添加すると,細胞増殖は抑制され,PAL活性は培養初期に高く誘導された。カイネチンを除いて2,4-Dのみを加えて培養すると,増殖期以降の細胞増殖が抑制され,PAL活性はほとんど検出されなくなった。基本培地にさらにGA3やABAを添加して細胞を培養すると,増殖はほとんど阻害され,とくにGA3添加の場合,PAL活性が非常に高く誘導された。以上のことから,2,4-Dとカイネチンは直接PAL活性に影響を与え,ABAとGA3は増殖と関連しながら,PAL活性に影響を及ぼしていると思われた。The effects of exogenous phytohormones on cell growth and PAL activity of Eucalyptus polybractea culture cells were investigated. When the cells maintained on a control medium containing both kinetin and 2,4-D as phytohormones, were transferred to the medium without 2,4-D (containing only kinetin), the growth of the cells were depressed and PAL activity reached a maximum at early time of growth stage followed by a gradual suppression. In the absence of kinetin, the increase in neither cell growth nor PAL activity could be observed during culture period. Furthermore, addition of GA3 or ABA to the control medium resulted in the suppression of cell growth and the increase of PAL activity. Especially, in the presence of GA3, PAL activity was induced remarkably.
論文 | ランダム
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