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韓国江原道春川郡に位置する林業振興促進地域を対象に,総集材費用(林道開設費+集材費)を最小にする適正林道間隔と林道密度を算出した。想定した林道開設費は2,000~38,000円/m,伐期材積200m3/haに対して,中地形では,クレーン集材の場合が一番安いが,対象地全域を集材圏内とすることができず,概してトラクタ,林内作業車の順で総集材費用が高くなった。その時の適正林道間隔は,トラクタ集材が268.5~465.1m,林内作業車が166.8~288.9mと試算された。急地形になると概して中距離架線集材の総集材費用が安く,林内作業車,短距離架線集材の順で費用が高くなった。We examined optimal road spacing and road density designed to minimize the total cost of road construction and yarding for mechanized yarding systems in Forestry Improvement Region, Chunchon-kun, Kangwon-do in Korea. The road construction costs were assumed to range from 2,000 to 38,000 yen/m, and the volume at the felling age was 200 m3/ha. The results were that the cost of crane was the cheapest, then tractor skidding, and mini-forwarder followed on hilly terrains. But crane could not cover the yarding range of the total investigated areas. In the former condition, the optimal road spacing for tractor skidding was 268.5-465.1m and optimal road spacing of mini-forwarder was 166.8-288.9m. On steep terrains, the cost of semi-long span cable yarding was the cheapest, and then mini-forwarder, short span cable yarding followed.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林の論文
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林 | 論文
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