Usefulness of Combined Electrophysiological Examinations for Detection of Neural Dysfunction in Cats with Lumbar Hematomyelia(Internal Medicine)
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交通事故により腰髄出血が生じ, 両後肢麻痺を呈したネコ2症例に対して, F波, 運動神経伝導速度検査(MNCV), 脊髄誘発電位(SCEP)ならびに針筋電図検査(EMG)を実施した.F波, SCEPは事故後3日以内に異常を示した.MNCVおよびEMGは, 事故直後は正常であったが, 6あるいは8日目に異常を示した.複数の電気生理学的検査を繰り返し実施する事により, 神経損傷の進行を推察できることが示唆された.We conducted combined electrophysiological examinations including F-wave, motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV), spinal cord-evoked potential (SCEP), and needle electromyography (EMG) in two cats involved in traffic accidents that consequently developed hind limb paralysis caused by lumbar hematomyelia. F-wave could no longer be elicited within 3 days after the accident, and the MNCV and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude decreased in a time-dependent manner, with CMAP no longer being evoked after 7 or 8 days. EMG showed abnormalities such as fibrillation and positive sharp waves after 6 to 8 days. These results suggest that such combined electrophysiological examinations may provide objective, quantitative data for motor nerve dysfunction in cats with lumbar hematomyelia.
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