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放牧地における自然交配時の木曾馬の性行動のパターン・回数および複数の牝馬が発情している時の性行動について調べた。その結果、乗駕回数が最も多い時間帯は14:00~16:30、射精の多い時間帯は11:00~14:00であった。種牡馬が発情牝馬に対して、求愛→***の勃起→乗駕→***の挿入→射精の完全な性行動を示したものは約11%にすぎず、他はかなり変則的であった。特に求愛行動なしに乗駕・射精に至る例が19%も存在した。一方、複数の牝馬が発情している場合、種牡馬はランダムに求愛、乗駕行動を示した。また、82回の乗駕行動のうち、種牡馬の一連の性行動が途中で中断し、直ちに別の発情中の牝馬を相手に性行動を始め乗駕する場合が13例みられた。The present investigation was carried out on the patterns and its frequency of sexual behaviour in Kiso stallion under natural mating. Most mounting behaviour occurred from 14:00 to 16:30, and most ejaculation behaviour occurred from 11:00 to 14:00 (Fig. 7). The stallion exhibits distinct phases to estrus mare : courtship, erection and mounting, intromissin and ejaculation. But, the perfectry sexal behaviour in stallion was only 11%, the other was irregular sexual behaviour. Specially, the most irregular sexual behaviour which the stallion mounts to estrous mare; brought in the wake of intromission and ejaculation without courtship behaviour was existence 19% (Table 2). When the plural mares are behavioral signs of estrous, the stallion exhibits at randam courtship and mounting to estrous mares. The stallion breaked on the part of the way internuption behaviour on the first estrous mare, at once he began the sexual behaviour to other mare. These cases existed thirteen-eighty seconds. (Table 3.4).
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1985-12-25
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