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本小論では, ドイツにおける教員養成改革議論のベースである文部大臣会議委員会の最終報告書「ドイツにおける教師教育のパースペクティブ」 とドイツ教育学会の見解を取り上げ, 議論の集中点である①継続教育との連携を視野に入れた「大学における教員養成」の目標と課題と組織化, ②大学での教員養成における専門諸科学と教育学 (一般教育学, 学校教育学, 教科教育学など) の関係, ③大学における理論的勉学と実践的勉学の結合, の3点に一つの回答を示している, そしてさらにポツダムモデルを検討することをとおして, 日本における教員養成への提言を行う。At present universities reforms are on the move in Germany as well as Japan, not excepting teacher training at university. Generally speaking, "the improvement of a teacher' s stature" is required fundametally in schooling reforms all over the world. A teacher is requested anywhere who reacts to rapidly changing society and the growth variations of children. The request includes not simply "teaching competence," communication competence with children, and school management abilities. The focuses of the discussion are as follows. 1. Teaching profession needs lifelong learning. It is necessary to coordinate a new appointee's education (the training on probation) with continuous education. How should the coordination be organized? What purposes does teacher training at university have and what curriculum does it need under the coordination? 2. How should there be relations between special sciences and pedagogy (general pedagogy, schooling pedagogy and school subjects pedagogy) in teacher training at university? 3. How should we combine theoretical studies at university with practical studies in schools? In this paper I analyze not only the discussion with these three points in Germany but also "the Potsdam model for teacher training" (Potsdamer Modell der Lehrerbildung 1992) which has been developed at Potsdam University (Universität Potsdam), considering the points and has already been practiced. Then I state the suggestion to teacher training reforms in Japan through examining trhe practical experiences of the Potsdam model.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
- 2003-09-30
大阪教育大学 | 論文
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