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Recently, although word processor machines are widely being used for business work, handwriting is a necessary and important skill in a person's daily life. Tools used for writing Japanese and Chinese characters, such as pens, pencils and others, create many problems in handwriting behavior. This paper will first examine and compare the merits and demerits of handwriting, typewriting and using a word processor. Second, the rhythm of the fine psychomotor of the hand and finger which consists of dynamic fluctuations in pen-point pressure and grip pressure of tools will be analyzed. These rhythmical fashions in handwriting behavior of each person reflect the ways of cognitive style developed in the early childhood stage where adaptive actions are learned. Usually, a child is able to recognize and learn on his own accord some letters or characters at about the age of four. And at about the age of five, the child is able to read and handwrite some Chinese and Hiragana characters. Reading and handwriting of letters can, therefore, be taught individually before the age of six.
- 広島経済大学経済学会の論文
広島経済大学経済学会 | 論文
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