W. ジェイムズにおける「宗教の科学」と神の実在
- 論文の詳細を見る
For James, the existence of God is not merely what must be confessed, but what must be made plausible by some proof or evidence. He paid attention to the religious men's mystical experiences as their own proof for the existence of God. But, he also emphasized the significance of "science of religions", which ask for more "objective" evidence for it. E. B. Suckiel criticizes James's persistence to such a science. This paper offers a counterargument to her argument. James's persistence to science is, in my opinion, based upon his own deep want to make our life worth while living.
- 北海道大学哲学会 = The Philosophical Society of Hokkaido Universityの論文
- 2004-07-18
北海道大学哲学会 = The Philosophical Society of Hokkaido University | 論文
- W. ジェイムズにおける「宗教の科学」と神の実在
- 中澤務 『ソクラテスとフィロソフィア―初期プラトン哲学の展開』 (ミネルヴァ書房、二〇〇七年)
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