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Introductio The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study of advertising activities and advertising education in Japan and China,and to consider the future direction of advertising education (particularly professional education)in Japan,and to contribute to research exchanges between Japan and China regarding advertising education. Styles of advertising education are closely linked to actual advertising activities. This paper will first compare the general outlines of Japanese and Chinese advertising activities as a basis for making a comparison of advertising education. Next,the paper will cite interviews with two Chinese university professors specializing in advertising on the theme of "Advertising Activities and Advertising Education in China," given in September 2005. The details of the two professors are as follows: professor Chen Gang,Vice Dean,School of Journalism and Communication,Peking University. Professor Liu Puiwu,President,The AD College of Beijing Union University. Based on these interviews,this paper will compare and examine data on advertising education given at Japanese and Chinese universities.
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