Growth and Structural Changes of Foreign Workers in Japan : Economic Implications for Sri Lanka
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Although growth of foreign workers in Japan has been the lowest among the OECD countries, their structural changes in terms of country of origin, age, gender, profession, industry, size of the firm and types of works have significantly diversified during the past three decades. Total number of registered foreign workers in Japan increased from 260,000 in 1990 to 876,942 in 2003 by 237 percent. Out of this growth 86 percent was recorded by temporary workers. The share of Korean workers has been declining while workers came from China and other Asian countries have been increasing during the same period. Sri Lanka has been recording as one of the highest number of migrant sending countries to Japan during thepast few years. The number of registered Sri Lankans in Japan increased from 1,206 people in 1990 to over 12,000 people in late 2006. By using available macro level data and sample survey of 100 Sri Lankan migrant workers in Japan this paper attempted to elaborate these relations.Findings of this paper can be summarized under the following four headings: (i) Almost 97 percent of Japanese entrepreneurs who employed Sri Lankan migrant workers are willing to employee only additional Sri Lankan employees due to their relatively low age level, higher averageeducation level, good human relations, high commitment and fast catching-up in language and new technology (ii) Remittances made by Sri Lankan workers in Japan has been substantial and even higher than the contributions made by bi-lateral trade, investments and ODA flows to SriLanka. (iii) Remittances to Sri Lanka have led to increase regional inequalities due to persistence of disparities in government services, education facilities, educational attainments, information availability and migration networks across the regions. (iv) Sri Lanka needs to expand more Japanese language teaching programs and skill development programs in rural areas to maximize benefits from opportunities in Japan.
- 法政大学経済学部学会の論文
法政大学経済学部学会 | 論文
- 社会主義的経済統合としてのコメコン
- 補足1 過渡期の社会主義と「分業の廃棄」 (中国社会主義における「分業の廃棄」(シンポジウム))
- 「統計の品質」論におけるデータ品質構成要素の検討
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- 経済学部生のための法学入門