A Numerical Analysis of Seismic Retrofitting Effect on Reinforced Concrete Piers by Using PCM Shotcrete Method
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The behavior of typical rectangular bridge columns with sub-standards design details for seismic forces was investigated. The objective of the investigation is to evaluate seismic performances of reinforced concrete (RC) piers retrofitted by using polymer cement mortar (PCM) shotcrete method based on numerical simulating these load-deformation behaviors with three-dimensional finite element analysis. In experimental piers, the poor performance of this type of column attested to the need for effective and economical seismic upgrading techniques. A shotcrete method utilizing PCM to retrofit existing bridge columns was carrying out. PCM was wrapped around the column to increase confinement and to improve the behavior under seismic forces. In this study, there were two models, namely, one model was not retrofitting column and the other was retrofitting column by PCM. It was found that the numerical behavior through the elastic and non-elastic ranges up to failure showed good agreement with the data from the experimental full-scale pier tests. The comparison between experimental and numerical result was obtained that the lateral load increased the load carrying capacity by 136% for experimental pier and by 165% for the finite element model.
- 2007-09-20
- A Numerical Analysis of Seismic Retrofitting Effect on Reinforced Concrete Piers by Using PCM Shotcrete Method
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