Building a Mathmatical Model for Simulating River Water Quality, a Case of Study Applied to the Tatara River in Fukuoka City
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From an advection-dispersion equation based on the mass conservation law, I developed a theoretical model for simulationg the alteration of the Tatara river's water quality according to tome. This question has been solved for water quality variables by method of finite-difference approximations for the derivatives in the equation. To solve this equation effectively, an algorithm has been developed and a software program had been coded in Fortran language 90 (Nyhoff and Leestma, 1997, 1999) to implement this algorithm. As a case of study, the Tatara river's water quality parameters, hydraulic parameters such as discharge, velocity as well as cross-sections of the river and meteorological data of the river area have been observed and used as initial and boundary conditions for the model. The calibration of the model has been made by the trial-by-error method to find a reasonable dispersion con\stant that helps to obtain an optimal agreement berween the model caluculations and the set of observed data.
- Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University,九州大学大学院農学研究院の論文
- 2005-02-01
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