Possibility of using a PMN-PT single crystal as a neutron optical device
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Variations of the Bragg diffraction angle induced by electric fields on piezoelectric single crystal were investigated with the aim of exploiting such crystals for novel neutron devices. A (1−x)(Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3)–x(PbTiO3) (PMN–PT) single crystal with strong piezoelectric characteristics was used in the experiment. The sample was poled along <0 0 1>direction before the experiment. In the course of diffraction measurements, a 0.3° change was observed in the diffraction angle at the maximum induced by the electric field. The diffraction angle variation shows time-dependent behavior, which can be well described using a single exponential decay limited to a saturated value. This effect is considered a result of a change of the domain structure brought about through long-term application of an electric field for several hours. The obtained preliminary results confirmed the possibility of using a ferroelectric crystal as a neutron optical device.
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