Quantitative analysis of biologic specimens by X-ray scanning analytic microscopy
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X-ray scanning analytic microscopy (XSAM) can be used to visualize the elemental distribution in biologic specimens. In this article, the authors prepared standard specimens for XSAM and performed quantitative analysis of various elements dissolved in soft tissues. Two different types of standard specimens were prepared. Methylmethacrylate (MMA) resin-based standard specimens were prepared with organic compounds of elements for low-concentration standards and lithium borate glass-based standard specimens were prepared with oxides of elements for higher concentration standards. Using these standard specimens, the P and Ca concentrations in normal rat tissue and dissolved Ni, Fe, and Ni concentrations around metal-implanted tissues were quantitatively analyzed. The estimated concentrations of dissolved Fe, Cu, and Ni from the implants were 1000, 40, and 20 mM, respectively. From the concentration levels causing inflammation around these implants, the high toxicity for soft tissue of Ni and Cu at low concentrations, for example, 10 mM, was confirmed. The toxicity of Cu was estimated as next to that of Ni. In contrast, Fe had low toxicity despite high concentrations of dissolved Fe of as much as 1000 mM. In this article, it was possible to estimate the nonmetallic elements and low-concentration metallic elements dispersed in soft tissue by XSAM.
- 2004-07-15
論文 | ランダム
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