First two-micron imaging polarimetry of beta Pictoris
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High-resolution K-band imaging polarimetry of the βPic dust disk has been conducted with adaptive optics and a coronagraph using the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. Polarization of 10% is detected out to r 120 AU with a centrosymmetric vector pattern around the central star, confirming that the disk is seen as an infrared reflection nebula. We have modeled our near-infrared and previous optical polarization results in terms of dust scattering in the disk and have found that both the degrees of polarization and the radial intensity profiles are well reproduced. We argue that the observed characteristics of the disk dust are consistent with the presence of ice-filled fluffy aggregates consisting of submicron grains in the βPic system. There is a gap around 100 AU in both the intensity and polarization profiles, which suggests a paucity of planetesimals in this region. The radial intensity profile also shows ripple-like structures, which are indicative of the presence of multiple planetesimal belts, as in the case of the M-type Vega-like star AU Mic.
- 2006-04-20
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
周藤 浩士
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Fukagawa Misato
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Abe Lyu
Laboratoire Hippolyte Fizeau Umr6525 Universite De Nice Sophia-antipolis
Yamamoto Tetsuo
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
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