The prevalent genotypes of bovine viral diarrhea virus in Japan, Germany and the United States of America
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Genotypes and subgenotypes of bovine viral diarrhea virus(BVDV)fieldisolates from Japan, Germany and the United States of America(USA)wereidentified, and the prevalent pattern of BVDV in individual countries was estimatedgenetically. Subgenotypes were determined based on phylogeneticanalyses of nucleotide sequences of a part of the E2‐coding gene of BVDV.Forty-five,61and56BVDV strains were isolated from naturally infected cattlein Japan, Germany and USA, respectively, between1980and2003.The mostprevalent BVDV in these three countries was BVDV‐1b. The second mostprevalent BVDV strains were 1a,1d and BVDV‐2 in Japan, Germany andUSA, respectively. The most prevalent subgenotype 1b in each country constructedindividual small clusters in the subgenotype1b branch in the phylogenetictree. Although cattle and/or cattle products were moving among thethree countries as part of international trade, the distribution of BVDV in thefield in each country showed long-standing individual patterns.
- 2006-11-30
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