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If a specialist, especially someone belonging to a university, visits a high school or a school of lower stage and gives lectures about his or her specialty, such lectures (or such an acitivity) are called delivery-lectures. Although a high school-college collaboration, especially the deliverylectures, is spreading rapidly in Japan, learning in such a collaboration tends to be one-way from college to high school. To make it supply effects in the opposite direction, we took up deliverylectures designed and performed not by professors but by graduate students. During the activities, the graduate students realized that they got some educational effects such as expanding of their horizons, getting teacher’s mind, understanding the diffi culty of teaching and behaving in a positive attitude. The high school students considered that the lectures were benefi cial and the graduate students had enough ability to teach. These results suggest that delivery-lectures by graduate students are available as two-way learning between high schools and colleges.
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