- 論文の詳細を見る
本研究の目的は, 乳がんの診断を受け, 手術を受ける患者の心理変化を明らかにし, 入院中および外来における看護について検討することである. 対象は, はじめて乳がんの診断を受けて手術を受けた乳がん患者で, 手術後状態が安定し, 退院が調整される時期に, 半構成的インタビューを実施した. 得られたデータは 「告知後」 「入院待ち」 「手術直前」 の時期ごとに質的帰納的に分析した. 研究対象者は 10 名で, 分析の結果, 患者の思い, 考え, 対処について 「告知後」 においては 8, 「入院待ち」 においては 10, 「手術直前」 の時期においては 11 のカテゴリが得られた. 「告知後」 はショックと立ち向かいの開始である. 乳がん患者は混乱しつつも, 乳がんであると認識し, 依存的・情動指向的な対処を開始した. 「入院待ち」 は熟考と迷いの上の決断の時期である. 乳がん患者は, 乳がんの脅威を実感し, 手術を受ける決断を行うが, これは深い思い悩みの上で行われている. 一旦覚悟を決めた後は, 自らを保とうと患者は情動志向的対処を行った. 「手術直前」 は, 緊張しつつ全ての力を手術に集中させ引きこもる時期である. 乳がん患者は, 手術を受け入れつつも強い恐怖を感じ, これ以上は考えずに他者に任せ, 気持ちを安定させることに腐心した. 本研究の結果は, 乳がんの告知後, 短期間のうちに手術の受け入れ, 術式など多くの意思決定を求められ, 心理的支援を必要としている乳がん患者に対し, 治療, 特に手術との直面状況に影響を受ける心理状態に応じて支援が行われる必要があることを示した. 特に入院後・手術直前の恐怖とこれ以上考えたくない, という思いについては, 看護者の関わりにおいて十分配慮されるべきであり, 術前看護における示唆として有効である.The purpose of this study is to identify the psychological change of preoperative patients who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and to consider effective nursing care for both inpatients and outpatients. Patient who was newly diagnosed with breast cancer and had the operation was the subject of this study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Data collection was conducted when general condition of the subject was stable and awaiting discharge. Collected data was analyzed qualitatively, at the period of〈after telling the name of the disease〉,〈awaiting hospitalization〉, and〈the day before the operation〉, respectively. Ten patients participated in this study. At the period of〈 after telling the name of the disease〉, 8 categories were identified. At the period of〈awaiting hospitalization〉, 10 categories were identified. And at the period of〈the day before the operation〉, 11 categories were identified 〈After telling the name of the disease〉is the start of shocking and confronting. Breast cancer patients perceived that they had breast cancer and began to take the dependant and emotional oriented coping strategy with confusion. 〈Awaiting hospitalization〉is the period of making a decision with reflection and hesitation. Breast cancer patients realize the threat of breast cancer and decide having operation with deep distress. Patients took the emotional oriented coping strategy to keep themselves after making up their mind of having operation. 〈The day before the operation〉is the period of concentrate on coming operation by mobilize their best under tension, and withdraw into themselves. Breast cancer patient was accepting the operation and feeling a great fear at the same time, and tried to stable their feeling by not thinking about operation any more and left it to others. The results of this study revealed that breast cancer patients are required for accepting having operation in the short time after diagnosis, and making a decision on several matter, for example choice of the surgery method. It is showing that psychological care should be provided to breast cancer patient who need it, especially according to the psychological status which is influenced by the situation of facing operation. Especially, patients fear of during after hospitalization, preoperative period, and the feeling of refusing think of their operation should be fully considered in the context of nursing care, and it is effective in preoperative nursing.
- 2008-03-05
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