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本研究の目的は、 初産褥婦の産褥早期における被養育体験の意味を明らかにし, 看護者の支援の在り方を検討することである. 正期産分娩となった初産褥婦 30 名を対象に自記式質問紙による調査を実施した. その結果, 5 つのカテゴリーが抽出された. 初産褥婦は被養育体験を振り返り, 【親からの学びを子育てに生かす】【親の意見を参考にして子育てをする】と考え, 【親の子育てからの学びを自分の育児に生かせる自信】を持っていた. しかし一方では【親の子育ての欠点を再現するかもしれない恐れ】を抱き, 不安な感情を表出していた. また【親の子育てに距離をおく】では, 親の子育てと自分の子育ては異なることを認識していた. これらより産褥早期の初産褥婦が被養育体験を理解し統合することは, 親との関係を再構築する機会であり, 養育方針の基盤を形成する重要な過程であることが明らかになった. 産褥早期に関わる看護者は, 褥婦が被養育体験を解釈・統合する作業を支援する必要性が示唆された.This study was intended to clarify the significance of primiparas experience of being raised in the early puerperal phase, and identify ideal nursing support for them. From a questionnaire survey conducted for 30 primiparas after term delivery, five categories were extracted. Recalling their experience of being raised, the primiparas were going to apply what they had learned from their parents to their own child-raising”, raise their children with their parents advice in mind,”and had confidence in applying what they learned from their parents to their own child-raising.” On the other hand, they expressed anxiety from a fear of possibly reproducing their parents mistakes in child-raising.” Those who were trying to stand apart from their parents method of child-raising”recognized that it differed from their own method. These findings indicated that accepting and integrating their experience of being raised could provide primiparas in the early puerperal phase with an opportunity to renew relations with their parents, and work as an important process to form the basis of their child-raising ideals. It was suggested that nurses aiding primiparas in the early puerperal phase should help them accept and integrate their experience of being raised.
- 2008-03-05
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