高周波誘電加熱法による魚粕乾燥システムの研究 (I) : 加熱特性とその適応性
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魚腸骨を魚粉に加工する魚腸骨処理場またはへい獣処理場は悪臭公害の発生源となっている。普通の熱風乾燥方式等では悪臭排気量も多く,脱臭装置を設置しても完全に脱臭することは困難である。また粘溶性の強い魚粕の性質から乾燥装置の小型化も困難である。本研究は市場または魚店の段階で処理できる,完全に密閉され悪臭排気を放出しない極めて小型の装置を開発することを目的として高周波誘電加熱法による乾燥システムを考え,誘電加熱器の魚粕乾燥特性を検討した。誘電加熱法は乾燥空気の接触を必要とせず装置の小型化,気密化には有効である。誘電加熱器による魚粕の発熱作用は魚粕に含まれる水分に依存する。魚粕は食塩を含有するので導電率が大きく高周波電力吸収特性は水より劣るが,一定の乾燥特性を有する。予熱期問は投入量に比例するが,その後は加熱室内の残留水分が一定値以上であれば魚粕の量および含水率に関係なくほぼ恒率乾燥をつづける。このときの単位電力量当りの水分蒸発量は<special>0.596kgf/kwh (5.84N/kwh)</special> と一定であり,入力電力量に対する魚粕の電力吸収量であらわす効率は0.374となった。加熱室内の残留水分が一定量を切って少なくなると急速に効率がおちる。魚粕の一定量を一定の時間間隔毎に連続的に加熱室に投入する連続乾燥は加熱室内の残留水分が常に一定量以上であり最高の恒率乾燥を維持することができ有効である。この実験結果を用いて試作した2.73kw の誘電加熱器,<special> 810kcal/hr(391kJ/hr)(10℃TD)</special>のクーリングコイルを含む乾燥システムにおいて加熱器の効率は計算値と一致し,密閉されたシステム内で仕上げ乾燥が可能な乾燥空気が得られた。Untreated waste bones and entrails of fish are normally collected and made into fish meal at fish meal plants or slaughterhouses in towns and cities. However, it is generally recognized that these plants are a major source of odor pollution. Lately not only the continued operation of such plants but the establisment of new plants has become difficult. The operation of these plants commonly involves many proceses of boiling, pulverization, dehydration, drying and deodorization, as well as some forms of conveyance. Deodorization requires large equipment and operating costs ; yet it is difficult to deodorize completely the exhaust from such operations. It is necessary to reconsider the methods that have been used and to consider countermeasures. The purpose of the present investgation is the development of a small device that makes it possible to process fish bones and entrails into fish meal at the fish market of fish shop stage. The basic design principle of the device is that it is completely airtight and no exhaust is discharged into the outside atmosphere. For this purpose a drying system using a high frequency dielectric heating method was very effective. This paper is a report of the caracteristics of the dielectric heater and its adaptability. It has been positively shown by experimental results that the evaporative capacity per amount of electric power consumption was almost costant if there was a surplus of residual water in the heating chamber regardless of the quantity of fish meal and moisture from same. This fact is of great use in the designing of the drying system. The malodorous steam was condensed by a cooling coil in the drying system. The unavailable energy from the dielectric heater and a portion of the energy from the heat pump were used to finish the drying of the meal. Details of this will be reported in the next paper.
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